To help you to manage and maintain your cash flow, this window gives you quick and easy access to all of the bank options.
New Bank |
Opens the Bank Record wizard which guides you through the process of creating a new bank record. |
Bank Record |
Opens the selected bank account record. You can also use this to create a new bank record. Find out more |
Reconcile |
Match the activity on your bank account record to those on your bank statement. Find out more For a complete guide to bank reconciliation, please refer to the Ask Sage article 26249 |
Bank Payments |
Record bank payments for transactions not associated with a customer or supplier. For example, petrol costs or bank charges. Find out more |
Supplier Payment |
Record your supplier payments to clear outstanding invoices. Find out more |
Remittances |
Print remittances to show the payments you've made to your suppliers. Find out more |
Batch Payments |
Accounts Professional only:Record multiple supplier payments at the same time. Find out more |
Bank Receipts |
Record bank receipts for transactions not associated with a customer or supplier. For example, interest or grant money. Find out more |
Customer Receipts |
Record customer receipts to clear outstanding invoices. Find out more |
Donations |
Note: This is only available if you select Enable Charity\Non-Profit options in Settings > Company Preferences > Parameters. Record donations received and associate it with a fund and customer record. Find out more |
Bank Transfer |
Record the movement of money between your bank accounts. Find out more |
Recurring Items |
Set up transactions that are made on a regular basis such as direct debits and standing orders. Find out more. |
Cash Flow Forecast |
Manage your cash by forecasting the money you expect to pay in and out of the business. Find out more |
Statement |
Generate statements for each bank account. Find out more |
Cheques |
Accounts Plus or Accounts Professional only:Print cheques for payments that you have posted through Bank Payments or Supplier Payments. Find out more |
Reports |
Access bank reports using the Report Browser. Find out more |